Five tips to ensure heating systems are in good working order

As we head into colder months, it’s important to make sure your heating system is in good working order.

Here are some tips:

  1. Change the filter. Dirty filters tax the HVAC system into working harder because the system cannot get enough fresh air to allow it to run efficiently. Mark calendars with reminder notices if necessary.
  2. Conduct both an audio and visual inspection of your HVAC system. If there are items laying near or propped up on the furnace remove them. There should be a 3-foot clearance between the HVAC unit and anything stored near it. Many insurance companies will note this on yearly inspections and request removal. After the visual inspection, turn on the system and listen for any unusual banging or clanging noises that sound out of the ordinary.
  3. Turn on the HVAC system two to three times before cold weather settles in. During the warmer months, wild animals may have crawled into the system’s nooks and crannies and brought with them outdoor debris and nesting items. Household dirt and dust also settle into the system and can clog its performance. Turning on the HVAC system a few times before a very cold day will help the homeowner ascertain whether there are issues before a cold snap hits.
  4. Check the thermostat. If the thermostat requires batteries, fall is a good time to check to see if they need to be replaced. If the thermostat is programmable, fall is also an optimum time to make sure the thermostat is programmed and working correctly.
  5. Schedule a yearly maintenance visit. All heating systems should be checked for wiring issues, clogs and other mechanical problems.
  6. We can help you with that last one! Call us at (318) 869-0344 and schedule an appointment with one of our professional service techs!